3D Printing: My DIY Formlabs Enclosure Project

After receiving my SLA 3D printer, I realized the amount of smell and vapor that SLA printers produced in comparison to FDM printers. That's where I figured out that I needed to build myself an enclosure — to ensure I could safely use a SLA printer in my flat. »

The Crisp Raison d'Être & Master Plan

My day job consists of designing & building Crisp products, and maintaining the infrastructure that makes everything run. I have tens of other project ideas, some of which are planned to be started at some point in a near future. »

Announcing Vigil: How We Monitor Crisp at Scale

The missing cost-efficient monitoring system for microservices. Vigil was built because, either SaaS status pages costs were adding up to a huge bill to monitor such a large number of services, or existing open-source solutions were simply not adapted. »

Announcing Bloom: A REST API Caching Middleware

Bloom is Open-Source, in the hopes it can help other SaaS / non-SaaS businesses reduce costs on their backend, shut down a few servers, reduce the sys-admin human cost, and as a bonus: lower their energy footprint. »